Gourmet food is delicious food, with expensive delicacies and cheap street snacks.
Good food is not just the food on the table. It also includes leisure snacks, biscuits, cakes, sugar, candied fruit, dried fruit, meat food, tea brewing and other products, each with its own fl***or, which can be called delicious food.
介绍美食的英语有很多,如美味的Delicious ,可口的Good to eat ,香辣的Alright.,香脆的Crispy ,酸甜可口的Sweet and sour,软糯的Soft waxy 等等
- Pizza(披萨):一种源自意大利的美味,通常有多种配料可供选择,如番茄酱、奶酪、香肠、蔬菜等。
- Hamburger(汉堡):风靡全球的快餐食品,由肉饼、生菜、番茄、奶酪和各种酱料组成。
- Chocolate(巧克力):甜蜜的巧克力可以制成各种小吃,如巧克力棒、巧克力蛋糕和巧克力冰淇淋。
- Fries(薯条):经典的配菜或零食,通常与番茄酱一起食用。
- Ice cream(冰淇淋):冰冷又美味的甜点,有多种口味可供选择,如香草、巧克力、草莓等。
- Sushi(寿司):日本的传统美食,以生鱼片或蔬菜卷在米饭上而成。
- Donut(甜甜圈):甜面包圈,通常上面会涂有糖霜或巧克力等。
- Tacos(塔可):来自墨西哥的美食,用玉米饼夹上肉、蔬菜和各种调料。
Shaanxi's food has become popular on the Internet. Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, has many popular online food. Many netizens go to Shaanxi and "fall in love with a city because of one food".
Today, I will introduce you to 2 famous snacks in Shaanxi, each of which is hard to part with.
1.Chinese hamburger.
the bread is chewy and the pork indide is soft,tender and fragrant.
Both rice crust and Liangpi are very popular in Shaanxi. Both the selection of rice and the use of pot are very exquisite. The rice skin made is elastic, thin and strong.
The secret chili oil used is made of more than ten kinds of seasonings. Add cucumber shreds and bean sprouts, and pour a spoonful of hot oil on the crystal white rice husks. The red and white ingredients are mixed, and the saliva is already unbearable between the lips and teeth.
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