小吃英文菜单 食谱大全,小吃英文菜单 食谱大全

当谈到英语小吃时,有许多令人垂涎欲滴的选择。其中,最受欢迎的可能就是炸鱼和薯条(fish and Chips)了。这是一道经典的英国小吃,由新鲜的鱼肉裹上面粉炸至金黄酥脆,再配上热腾腾的薯条,味道绝佳。此外,还有传统的英式早餐(Full English Breakfast),包括烤香肠、烤培根、烤蘑菇、烤西红柿和烤面包等,营养丰富,让人一饱口福。
另外,英式下午茶(Afternoon Tea)也是英国著名的小吃文化之一。下午茶通常包括各种小点心,如三明治、司康饼(Scone)和水果挞等,再搭配上一杯香浓的英式奶茶,让人感受到英国独特的下午茶文化。
This dish is made of nine main ingredients: fish, cooking wine, pine nuts, pepper, tomato sauce, salt and vinegar.
First of all, you should clean the fish and remove its bones and organs.
Second, put the fish into the pot, add pepper and cooking wine, and then fry until discolored.
Third, make the fish like a squirrel and pour the hot and thick marinade on the fish.
The last thing is to enjoy this beautiful and delicious squirrel.
Ham bake eggs
Ham bake egg production materials:
Things: eggs 500 g
Excipients: Ham 50 grams,
Seasoning: lard 100 grams, salt 5 g MSG 1 g, sesame oil 15 grams, green onions 10 grams
Ham bake egg approach:
1. Cooked ham cut into the late spring onions and cut into flower.
2. Will open the eggs, egg white, egg yolk respectively; egg white foam with chopsticks for her and paste into snowflakes, then join the egg yolk, chopped scallion and ham end until blended.
3. Will heated Add lard 50 grams of oil, 60% of the initiative heat, it will be dumped into the eggs until blended Boiler, covered with hoods, shift letter bake, and the remaining 50 grams oil from the pot around, bake about 5 minutes, opened hoods, turned deduction intraday top.
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