餐饮业常用英语 烹饪知识

What’s for dinner? 晚餐吃什么?
Can I h***e some more? 我可以再吃一点吗?
This soup is delicious! 这汤味道很美味!
Do you want some pizza? 你想吃一些披萨吗?
Can I h***e a taste? 我可以尝一下吗?
The taste of fresh bread is wonderful! 新鲜的味道非常棒!
Can you pass me the salt? 可以把盐递给我吗?
This is the best meal I’ve ever had! 这是我吃过的最好的饭菜!
1、The words about food contains vegetables, fruits, drinks, meat and others.
2、My f***ourite food is apples. Do you know why? Let me tell you.
3、Not every day cream cakes instead of long fat man.
4、An ***le a day, keep the doctor away.
5、I don't want junk food anymore. I'd like to try some healthy foods.
1.May I order,please? 餐厅最特别的菜式是什么?
2.What is the specialty of the house? 餐厅有今日特餐吗?
3.Do you h***e today's special? 我可以点与那份相同的餐吗?
4.Can I h***e the same dish as that? 我想要一份开胃菜与排餐(鱼餐)。
5.I'd like ***etizers and meat(fish) dish. 我正在节食中。
6.I h***e to ***oid food containing fat(salt/sugar). 餐厅是否有供应素食餐?
7.Do you h***e vegetarian dish? 你的牛排要如何烹调?
8.How do you like your steak? 全熟(五分熟/全生)。
9.Well done (medium/rare),please. 我想要喝法国红酒。
10.I'd like to h***e France red wine. 是否可建议一些不错的酒?
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