
正文:I took a trip to Shanghai with my mother during the seven-day holiday. It took us more than two hours to drive to Shanghai from my home in Haimen. We stayed in a large hotel on the eighth floor.在七天的***期里,我和妈妈一起去上海旅行。
Shanghai is an international city, located in the east of China.上海是一座国际城市,位于中国东部。Mark the world famous landmark buildings such as Jinmao Tower, Oriental Pearl TV Tower and Lujiazui financial center.以金茂大厦、东方明珠电视塔、陆家嘴金融中心等世界著名标志性建筑为标志。
关于上海的英语作文篇一 Shanghai, Chinas largest modern city, is situated in the middle of Chinas east coastal line。
2、TV stations run by a similar tactic of targeting their shows on a specific age group. That way it attracts many people of that age group and when popularity grows, more people would watch that station. 刚好一百字 以上的短文都是原创,如果有问题请追问。希望能帮到你。
3、International Sports and Animal World are my f***orite TV shows.我喜欢看电视,特别是晚间新闻,国际体育和动物世界。因为白天要学习,我只能通过晚间新闻了解国际和国内的近况。我就不会对重要的时势毫不了解。性格外向的我,喜欢运动。国际体育不仅让我观看最新赛事,而且教了我不少技巧。
They do not do that sneaky thing (yes Tas, The Cut, London, SE1, I h***e not fotten) of adding in the service charge then le***ing the bill “open”.Of course my ideal restaurant 。
If I had a restaurant, I eat delicious food every day, I will take a ***all room in the roof, I slept upstairs***如我有一个餐厅,我的餐厅应当保持整洁,无苍蝇、无灰尘。
And we h***e the best service in all restaurant.I hope you will like our food and our service.If you want eat healthy food,please choose us,quickly!翻译:这是我的餐厅,饭菜很好,我们有全市最好吃的食物,价格不贵。
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