

小旺 2024-07-21 63
关于餐厅的英语作文60词摘要: 写餐馆环境英语作文?中华餐厅英语作文70词?英语作文,介绍饭店?写餐馆环境英语作文?Hi,fellow food enthusiast,I have a good restuara...
  1. 写餐馆环境英语作文?
  2. 中华餐厅英语作文70词?
  3. 英语作文,介绍饭店?


Hi,fellow food enthusiast,I h***e a good restuarant to introduce to you.This restuarant is called the Mao Kitchen.It is located at the West Street.The setting in the restuarant is cosy.The food is good and the price is reasonable.The services is excellent and the parking is easily ***ailable.If you do not know how to order for the food,always ask for the chef's recomendations.The chef's recomendation changes everyday.Believe me,go and h***e a good meal there.Enjoy!


People usually h***e breakfast from seven to nine in the morning. There are many kind of food for them to eat, such as nuddles, eggs, fried dough sticks and soy milk. They h***e lunch at about twelve at noon, usually h***e vegetables, meats and rice. They h***e a short rest after lunch. Supper is about at six in the evening. All the family eat together, they eat the same kind of food as the lunch. Some people like to h***e some fruits after the meal.


My restaurant is called…We h***e the excellent cooks to provide you with extremely delicious food.Our style is Chinese food.We also h***e the outstanding service.We graruntee you will enjoy your meal very much in our restaurant.Customers who come on Tuesday will h***e the half price.Welcome to our restaurant!


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