今日食谱英文 风味怎么写

Monday, I would like eating fish and rice. I will h***e pork and rice on Tuesday .
Then, I will h***e noodle on Wednesday. On Thursday I will h***e eggplants , tomatos and steamed buns for dinner.
Friday is weekend, so I will h***e fish, mutton and leek. Saturday and Sunday are rest days,so I will h***e chicken and instant boiled mutton.
Pork in garlic sauce 鱼香肉丝Sweet and sour chicken 糖醋里脊Potato with meat shreds 五香土豆肉丝Scrambled egg with tomato 番茄炒蛋Stir-fried vegetable 炒青菜Egg drop soup 蛋花汤Hot and sour soup 酸辣汤这是哥们以前在餐馆打工时候记的,你随便选几个吧。
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