
英文饮食文化 地域特色怎么写

小旺 04-16 37
英文饮食文化 地域特色怎么写摘要: 写描述家乡美食的英语范文?用英文介绍贵州小吃 !介绍几款很有特色的?写描述家乡美食的英语范文?With the reputation of Gourmet Paradise, Ho...
  1. 写描述家乡美食的英语范文?
  2. 用英文介绍贵州小吃 !介绍几款很有特色的?


with the reputation of Gourmet Paradise, Hong Kong offers the exotic fusion of Eastern and Western fl***ours along with a wide variety of culinary delights. But it does not mean that buying a meal would cost us an arm and a leg; instead most street are sold at reasonable prices.

Street snacks are ***ailable at every corner of the streets- fish ball, stinky tofu, eggette, pineapple bun, you name it. As the mouthwatering ***ell and delicious tastes, egg tart is always my f***ourite. The egg tart bakery from Tai Cheong Bakery is well-known, for our ex governor, Chris Patten, loves it so much. Just $6 each for a fresh baked one, you can enjoy the governor’s delicacy.

英文介绍贵州小吃 !介绍几款很有特色的?

Zunyi bean flour(遵义豆花面)

英文饮食文化 地域特色怎么写

Zunyi bean flour is a traditional snack with good taste.(遵义豆花面是一道色香味俱全的传统小吃。)Soft and ***ooth, spicy fl***or, special fl***or.(柔软滑爽,辣香味浓,风味特殊。)

It was first created in the early 20th century by Buddhi***.(最初由佛教素面,创制于20世纪初。)Zunyi douhua noodles is a special snack of guizhou.(遵义豆花面遵义豆花面是很有特色的贵州特色小吃。)

2,Zunyi mutton powder(遵义羊肉粉

英文饮食文化 地域特色怎么写

Zunyi mutton powder is a delicious local snack.(遵义羊肉粉是一道美味可口的地方小吃。)Boil soup with fresh mutton, water rice noodles, feed mutton slices and seasoning.(用鲜羊肉熬汤,浇米粉,放羊肉片调料而食。)

It has been produced for more than 300 years. (已有300余年制作历史。)Guizhou all produce mutton powder, only zunyi mutton powder famous.(贵州各地均产羊肉粉,唯有遵义羊肉粉驰名。)

英文饮食文化 地域特色怎么写

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