英文食谱小报 佐料怎么写
tomato sauce, tomato paste, tomato purée, tomato passata, tomato ketchup
Ketchup,通常语境下的“番茄酱”,也是国人吃得最多的“番茄酱”,一般没有特别说明,指的都是这一种酸甜口的酱,据传是起源于中国的酱汁,是“鲑汁”的音译,具体是哪个地方的方言也不清楚,一开始真的是鱼酱,后来食谱、方法不断演变,今日提起ketchup一般都默认tomato ketchup
Tomato paste,番茄膏,常见于这种和牙膏差不多的包装,但其实也有罐头装的。做法是熬煮番茄,蒸发液体、过滤掉籽和皮,做成的糊状物
Tomato purée,番茄糊,开始变得有点傻傻分不清了,做法和番茄膏差不多,但比较湿。很多英国人都认为Tomato purée=Tomato paste,但个人认为还是有点差别的
Tomato passata,帕萨塔,这个我真不知道怎么翻译,因为真的和tomato purée很像,主要区别tomato purée是熟的,而Tomato passata是生的
Tomato sauce,最后是最应该翻译为“番茄酱”的“Tomato sauce”,一般tomato sauce说的都是加了洋葱、大蒜、罗勒、橄榄油、其他香料等等材料,用来配意面或者披萨的,而前面tomato paste/purée/passata,都是用来熬制tomato sauce的原料,因此真的不适合翻译为番茄酱。至于Ketchup。。。。。。这东西太甜了,我还没见过欧美人用来熬番茄酱的
you can see this order.然后就具体介绍菜式--where do you want to go? --Airport.
Since this is suppose to be done in English, I’m assuming that I should talk about a Canadian(外国) recipe(菜谱)。 The one I would like to write about is the Mashed Potatoes . in order to make the mashed potatoes, you h***e to add water in the pan with the potatoes in it, and boil(煮) it 。Turn the heat down after it boils, and wait for about 20 minutes. At the mean time, we could make the sauce(酱)。The sauce is really easy to make,we h***e to heat some cream and butter(黄油) in the microw***e(微波炉)。After that, we can mash the potatoes and add the sauce in. You could add milk if you want(desire). Later on, add salt and pepper to add some taste.
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