
chinese food can be divided into eight regional cuisines. These include shandong cuisine, beijing, shanghai cuisine.All These cuisines are totally different.
The salted fish is the best dish in the world.
The salted fish is the most delicious in the world.
Hi,everyone.Today I'd like to introduce a dish that I really like.It's beaf steak.Let me tell you how to cook it.
First,get the pieces of steak ready.Remember not to wash them with water.Put some salt on them.
Then,heat the pan with big fire,and put in a little olive oil or any cooking oil.
Wait till the oil gets hot,put in the steak,wait for half a minute and turn the steak upside down.
When the both sides get brown,turn down the gas fire to medium.
Fry for one minute or so,and take them out on a plate,put on some sauce or herbs,and you can enjoy the delicious fried beaf steak!I hope you like it.
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